Thursday, January 29, 2009

Jimmy's Taking Off - Day One

I had ignored my gypsy roots for far too long.  My pants were itchen' and my hands were a cold that only January-in-Philadelphia can bring.  I'd had enough.  It was time to leave my apartment, the city, the east coast... I split.  Ciao, Buon Viaggio, Hasta Luego, Arriverderci, Au Revoir, Auf Weidersehen, G'bye.  Gone are the days of Uncle Jimmy Eating Philadelphia as we know it and on are the days of Uncle Jimmy Eating America... and I'm hungry.  

I hit the open road yesterday and by "open road" I mean a road covered with three nasty inches of snow with a thick icy crust.  

I could barely drag my big ass bags to the car without falling on my ass and I was only "helped" by the crazy woman I passed who threatened to "shit on my f*&$ing face" and by the ogles of the creepy dudes who stand across the street smoking cigarettes and making you feel like you need to go back inside for a hot rape shower. Ahh, Philthy.  How I'll miss you.

Anywho.  So I was on the road.  I picked up my co-piolot, Mang, who will be joining me for the first two weeks of the trip.  Don't worry.  I'm safe.  Mang's with me.

The first leg of the trip was a little hairy, with the freezing rain and all, but all turned right in the world mid-way through Virginia with only cloudy skies and spotty rain showers as a reminder.

We passed through Tennessee after night fall and drove through the dramatic Smoky Mountains... I was sad that we hit them after dark as the silhouettes were awe-inspiring. 

Ahh... The road was flying by under my ass and it felt grrrreat.

Our first stop was Asheville to stay with my hippy friend Stephanie.

She just bought a house there and she welcomed us with open arms and glasses of wine.

The house was all warm and cozy and there were plants everywhere and just the right amount of handmade pottery to make you feel like at least one person in the house reads about Buddhism on the regular.  And people... there are many.  It's kind of like a commune (one guy is an Emile Hirsch circa Into the Wild lookalike).  Oh, and there is also no shower which is... how shall I say.  Not shocking.  

They also have one of those life sized card board cut outs of Obama with the white dude hands!!!!  I couldn't believe it.  I had just heard a story on the radio the day before!!!! They didn't even know what kind of gem they were sitting on!

We went and got a salad and a delicious local Microbrew at Todd's Tasties.  I had a Wedge IPA and it was delicious.

When we got back Steph's roommates were making veggie tempura and goo balls for dessert.  Ha.  Fitting.  

So, anyway... some food, some wine and then to bed.  There is no heat here (again... not shocked) so it is icy cold.  

Don't worry, I have apologized profusely to Mang for bringing her to a hippy commune with no heat or showers and I don't think she is going to retaliate on my as... or Mang me out as we say.

Day two... Woke up early.  I'm off to go explore the town.

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